kindergarTen - 12th grade
This program is the most popular of the two, because the student is studying at their home with a teacher assigned to them. The student will mail in a certain portion of their work every two weeks. The teacher grades it and then returns it to the student. The teacher will help them with courses and answer any questions they have. The teacher can be contacted via email, text or phone. We want students to do their very best in their school work, and earn high grades. Once the teacher grades the work, any work that is not “A” quality, the student will have a chance to correct it and bring their grade up. We cannot accept sloppy, “thrown together at the last minute” work, so students must take this program seriously. The main courses taught are English, Literature, Math, Science, and Social Studies / History. Electives are done in high school.
Yearly Fee:
$2,100 (without books)
Payment Plan:
Down Payment (without books) - $300
- Monthly Payment - $200